Monday, May 5, 2008


After running two errands this morning I decide we still have time to swing by Wal-mart. I'm looking for something that could be used for a diaper cover, because the dresses I have for the girls now don't have them. I didn't find anything, but I did find some new swimsuits. I picked up a few groceries as well then made our way to the checkout as it was getting close to lunch and the girls were getting a bit restless.

By the time I got to the car the girls were tired of being buckled up and weren't very cooperative getting into their car seats. I quickly threw the bags in the front seat so that we could hurry and get home for lunch. When we get home and I'm packing up the bags I realize I'm missing one...the one with their swimsuits. In my hurried state I just know I have left it in the cart! Grrrrr! I get the girls back in their car seats and head back to Wal-mart hoping that A: the bag is still in the cart, or B: someone turned it in to Customer Service.

The bag is not in the cart. Grrrrr! I get the girls out and thinking it won't take long I leave my huge diaper bag in the car. I walk inside to find one employee at the customer service counter with a huge line. Grrrrr! Because the line is so long, the girls discover the new kid zone that has the car racing video games and those little coin operated ride things, which was fine until the line moved enough that I had to carry them out. As I was waiting a man looking like a manager walked by, so I asked if anyone in the last 20 minutes or so had brought in a bag that had been left in a cart. No. Grrrrr! When I got up to the counter, which by the way they finally got two more people, the lady was very nice and said to go pick out two more swimsuits and she'd take care of it. We're about 45 minutes behind our schedule and on our way home again when at the stoplight I pick up my diaper bag to get a sippy cup out for the girls and find the missing bag! GRRRRR! I need chocolate!


Kristi said...

ohhhh I can so relate. Chocolate and a bubble bath is really the only thing that can make things better after that.
Oh a good cry helps too!

lovell said...

Sorry, you had such a bad day. I feel like that all the time. I just can't even begin to imagine having twins. your such a good Mom!

Amber said...

Holy Cow....a great big GRRRRR is definitely in order. You are one tough mom. I don't think I would have had the energy to go back to Walmart to find the missing bag. I hope you got some really good chocolate.

Adrienne said...

Yeah - I've had days like that too. But I think I would more than GRRRRR :)

Camille said...

Oh..I am so sorry!!! Chocolate, and a nap always helps!!!

Erin said...

oh man, I'm glad there are other people that do crazy thing like that. I thougt it was just me!

Sherry said...

wow! you just exhausted me just reading your blog! poor lady! I hope you have better days

Beach Mommy said...

Oh man!!!! On days like these you should run into the MC D's right there and grab them both some apples to much sometimes helps my boys, but my gosh....what a day!!!

The Fast Family said...

O you poor thing. Just reading that made me tired. I hate days like that.