Sunday, April 6, 2008

Let's Hear it For the Boy

It's been awhile since I've updated my blog. It all started when our internet went out for over a week. By the time it was up and running again, I had to catch up on all the unread emails and everyone elses blogs. Then there's the fact that nothing spectacular has been going on. I don't know the rules on tagging, so just for something to write I'm tagging myself. Here's a little bit about my husband.

His name: Randall (Randy) A. Miller. The A. is just an initial, but it stands for Albrechtsen, which is his mother’s maiden name.

How old is he? Just turned 37.

How long did you date? Our first date was June 30th, 2001. He Proposed on September 1st, 2001—You can do the math.

How long have you been married? Six years.

Who asked who out first? Randy asked me.

What was your first date? We went to a BYU soccer game, visited Steven (his brother), Jill (Steven’s wife) and Emma (Steven and Jill’s daughter who was just two weeks old ), then we got milkshakes at I think it was called the Malt Shoppe—by Movies 8 in Provo.

Who kissed who first? He kissed me, but I was getting a little impatient.

The Proposal: High on a Mountain Top

Who proposed? Randy. He had me completely blown away. I was planning on a December proposal and an April or May wedding. What was he doing proposing in September?! Needing at least 3 months to plan, we were married in December and I practically froze to death! Looking back, I so could have had a 6 week engagement and got married on October 10. Oh well!

Who said "I love you" first? Randy, but I knew he was "the One" first.

Who’s taller? Randy, thank goodness.

Who is smarter? All around, I’d have to say Randy.

Who drives? We both do around town. But, on long road trips it’s Randy. He gets car sick, so I drive only if he is very tired and can sleep while I drive.

Who cooks dinner? I do, 99% of the time. However, when Randy does cook, he cooks! He usually makes enough for an army and it’s usually Indian or something else really fancy that uses every dish in the kitchen.

Who eats more? I think he does—or at least he has more to show for it :) , but sometimes I look at his plate and ask "is that all you’re eating?"

Who does the laundry? Me…but I don’t iron.

Who pays the bills? Randy.

Who mows the lawn? What lawn!?

Who can sing better? Randy! Can I say Mormon Youth Chorus!

Who is more sensitive? He’s a pretty sensitive guy…I’d say this would be a tie.

Who is more stubborn? I think me on this one. (I’m a Jordan!)

What is his guilty pleasure? Star Craft

Besides you, who is his best friend? Shane.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Depends on what end you’re looking at. I sleep on the right if you’re looking from the foot of the bed and he does if you’re at the head.

Who has more siblings? Randy. We’ve both got four brothers, but he has two sisters.

What’s your favorite thing about him? He never complains. He never says anything when he has to pull his underwear out of a laundry basket for two days in a row, or when he comes home to a house that looks like a tornado has hit—make that two tornadoes, or when the sink is full of dishes because the dishwasher still has to be unloaded, or when we have tuna fish sandwiches for dinner. He is so patient. I’m so lucky that he’s mine.
Okay birthday girl (Bethany, that's you)...tag, you're it!


Magic Marker said...

Thanks for the tag JoElle! I learned alot about Randy in your tag. Where does the time go?

Camille said...

Cute post, JoElle!! Love the picture of the two of you!! And, I don't iron either!!

lovell said...

cute picture of you and Randy. You guys make a cute couple.

delbert said...

Hi, three weeks later I looked at your blog email...looks like alot of work, not sure how the heck all this works and I dont want too, either, but I must admit, its was fun reading stuff about you and Randy...

