Thursday, April 17, 2008

At the Beach

Last Friday, the 11th, we took the girls on their first overnight camping trip. We went to Carpenteria State Beach where several families from our ward were staying. They had a great time being outdoors and didn't do too bad sleeping in the tent...once they were asleep. Allyse was wiggly and giggly, but ended up falling asleep with her head right under Randy's chin. Keira was a little fussy and was my blanket until she was finally out and I was able to put her by my side. On Saturday they had fun helping deflate the Woodhouses air mattresses and
eating all of the marshmallows from Sister Rissers Lucky Charm's. Here's some pictures from their first beach experience.
Keira (left) and Allyse (right) playing with the rocks.

Allyse loved the water.
Allyse taste testing a rock...yuck!
Our point and shoot camera wasn't working for me and Randy had the videocamera taking shots, but for some reason most of the pictures are of Allyse. I actually haven't seen the video yet, so hopefully he got them both when they first got to the shore.


Erin said...

So cute! Your girls are adorable!

How fun to live close enough to camp at the beach for a couple of days! My family camped at the beach every summer I can remember growing up and I LOVED it! Such great family time!

What a perfect vacation!

lovell said...

sounds like you and your cute girls had a lot of fun. Your girls are growning up so fast.

Sherry said...

How fun! It looks like all of you guys had a blast!