Tuesday, April 22, 2008

On a Stroll

The other day the girls were just needing to get outside so I said "Let's go for a walk." I'm standing at the door and here come the girls with their strollers and babies. That wasn't exactly what I had in mind, but thought "Okay, why not." So, I carried their strollers down all the stairs and let them push their babies. I do have to say that it was really cute.
Allyse (left) and Keira (right)


Erin said...

They are getting so big!

lovell said...

look how cute they are with there strollers and babies. They are sweet. Your husband was so sweet to ask you in a cute way to prom. How fun JoElle.I wish Trent was taking me somewhere fun.

Beach Mommy said...

The things I have to look forward to with a little girl vs. my 2 boys...looks so easy and relaxing...they're so content, not running ahead gathering sticks/pinecones/bugs...

Magic Marker said...

How cute! Your girls look exactly like you JoElle. It's like staring at miniature Billy's.

Kristi said...

The uh "fun" part is when they decide they are done with their strollers and babies when you're only half way on your walk so you get to carry the strollers....then they want you to carry them too!
Gotta love these little girls:-)

Kati said...

So so cute! They are adorable little girls.

Shay said...

dang cute!

Adrienne said...

What a sweet moment. Enjoy it!