Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Come On Down...

You're the next contestant on The Price is Right!!

Yesterday I went to a filming of The Price is Right. My friend Shay planned it and we all had a great time. There was a total of 12 in our group, which consisted of Shay, her sister Kohl and her friend Nate, her aunt Roxann, her aunts friend Paula and her daughter Nicole, three cousins Melissa, Jessica and Beau, a friend of a cousin Rebecca, , Rebeca Warr from our ward and me. We all wore white shirts with neck ties and Shay bought us glasses that looked like Drew Carey's. I have to admit that at first I wondered "why do we want to look like Drew Carey?" It's been a really long time since I've watched The Price is Right and it wasn't until Monday night when Randy asked me if Bob Barker was still the host that I realized that Drew Carey had taken his place. Ah-hah!

We got to the studio at 9:00 a.m. and then we waited...and waited...and waited! There are about 325 seats available amd they take eveyone's picture and interview you in groups of about 10...just a quick where are you from? and what do you do? This is how they pick the contestants. We were at the end of the line, my number being 312, but finally just before 1:00 we were all ushered into the air-conditioned studio! My first reaction was Wow! This is really small!...on T.V. it looks so BIG! We had GREAT seats! We were in the back, but on this platform right in the center behind the contestants. When we were waiting we were told that we wouldn't be able to wear the least while they were filming. Costumes are not allowed and I guess they considered that too much of a costume...trying to look like Drew. During one of the breaks, we all put on the glasses. When Drew saw us he loved it and said he didn't care what the producers said, he said we could wear them for the rest of the show. I think they got a close-up shot of us after one of the commercial breaks. So, if you get a chance, our taping will be shown on October 8th. Looking at the T.V., I'll be on the second to last row, the first seat left of center...I'm famous...just kidding! No one from our group got called up, but during our long waiting we got to know a few who from the "yellow, Pick Geoff" group, and one from the "green" group..who was sitting right behind me. BUT, Shay did get to go up and give Drew a hug!

After the show we were soooo hungry, so we went to The Cheesecake factory (YUM!) for a late lunch/early dinner. We got on the road just in time to hit traffic. By the time I got home from picking up the girls it was 7:30. Bless the Rackliffe family for being so willing to take the girls at 6:30 in the morning and watching them ALL day! I wouldn't have been able to do it without them.

I didn't have a camera with me, but will get a picture from someone as soon as I can.


The Fast Family said...

How cool! I will have to watch.

Ashley Bogard said...

I will watch for you! How fun!

Amber said...

That's awesome that you went! Glad you guys had fun.

lovell said...

Wow JoElle that's awesome. I wish I could have been with you. Your so cute! I hope you won some big money

Ashley Bogard said...

You have to tell me how to do the label thing. I am not sure how. Thanks!

Ms. Bananie said...

That's SO awesome! I always wanted to do that. Matt's lil' bro did & won the grand showcase & was such a ham it was embarrassing! I'm glad you got to have a super fun day!

Magic Marker said...

JoElle how fun! I've always wanted to go to the price is right...It sounds like it was tons of fun:)

Stephanie said...

That is so awsome! My brother Ryan and all his friends went their on their Sr. trip they said the same that it was smaller and the games back then were all manual and not as fancy as it looks on T.V. Pretty fun though!